Intro: Warning, Amateur Alert…

My Eaten Mess

Hello!  I’m Lucy, a 20-something London Suburbanite, and – yes – I’m one of those annoying people who photographs everything they eat.

7 months ago, whilst re-emerging from the wine-fuelled haze that was New Year’s Eve 2013,  I – as is the New Year’s Resolution norm – decided to take stock over the daily mediocrity that was my “diet” and “lifestyle”.  I had never been able to cook, varying little from the chilli con carne / super noodles on toast abomination I existed on in my university days, which are embarrassingly over half a decade behind me!

Slimming World was my answer, and I signed up as an online member that day.  Putting weight loss and fitness aside for now,  I cannot believe the change to my daily food (and that pesky “lifestyle”) habits since then.  I am now completely invested in that term embracing Instagram, “eat clean.”  I enjoy cooking simple dishes, made as healthily as possible, and have Slimming World to thank for that.

Being an online member, I didn’t have the support that attending weekly groups provides, so I signed up to Instagram.  I quickly found inspiration through the hundreds of Slimming World followers on the site, and started to share photos of my own food with them.  I have those followers to thank for starting this food photography craze of mine and will be eternally grateful!

You can find me on Instagram here Beyond January

Outside of irritating friends and family by regularly serving cold food, as I’ve taken too long to snapshot, eating clean has become a passion of mine.  But I can never remember where I’ve written all my recipes, hence the reason for starting this blog.  I would like to keep a bit of inspiration in a corner of the internet, for your perusal and even possibly a small slice of inspiration.  Hope you enjoy!  Any comments or suggestions welcomed…

Disclaimer: Not all the food / recipes on this blog are mine, I will always cite the source if it is not my own.  However, all photographs are mine!  The photos below were mostly taken in Munich, Germany, the two platters were taken in a Leicestershire pub. 

I have never blogged before, I am an amateur at all the above – namely cooking, photography and blogging. So , as they say in Germany, auf geht’s!


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